Global Warming

Global Warming

It is the one of the most dangerous problems that Earth is facing for about a decade ago. Global Warming is permanent increase in the Earth’s climate. As the sun’s heat is trapped inside the Earth atmosphere due to the Greenhouse effect.

As the mankind started, the global warming exist at that time but due to its low rate it was always neglected. As the centuries went on, its rate increases and eventually in the 17th century the industrial revolution comes in the Europe. And then the interests of the human beings shifted toward making industries and strengthening them as they have invested their money in the business at any cost. No matter what it done to your Earth climate and its environment and eventually in the 19th century it became significant as the industrial revolution travel across the Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia.
Then in the 20th century, there was inventions in the field of industry to yield more and due to that the people become more eager and become interested to participate in the business, without taking care of the Earth’s climate and environment. In this century the global warming increases and in this century the strong foundation of global warming was laid .
Now in the 21st century, after a decade, human race identify that they are leading towards the disaster and eventually they stated carry out certain procedure to reduce its effect but the rate of production is increasing rapidly. Due to which the scope of industrial production is increasing day by day and also the demand has also increased.
After all these ages the result is that the Earth atmosphere is warming up and the permanent change in the temperature of the whole world is increased by 4°C.


         Sea Level to rise
    Impact on Weather
    Shorten of drinking water due to more demand
    Impact on Agriculture
    Impact on Human Health
    Ice reservoirs to melt
   Amount of oxygen in oceans to decline
   Psychological impact on human
   Impact on social behavior
   Disturbance in Earth's Ecosystem


         Sea Level to Rise

One of the important harmful effects of the global warming is the fact that the sea level will rise. This is because due to the increase in the temperature of the Earth, the pure water in the icebergs will melt and flow in the rivers at greater rate and ultimately wasted as it goes into the sea. In this way the sea level will rise due to this cause.

Visual of high sea level

  Impact on Weather

As it is clear by its name “Global Warming” it means that the permanent increase in the temperature of the world
Today, due to global warming, the earth's permanent temperature has increased by 4°C. This is the main reason, why it is taken so seriously by all the weather and climate experts.
Visuals of bad weather due to Global Warming

Shortening of drinking water due to more demand

As we know that the reservoir of fresh drinkable water is frozen ice on poles and the ice on mountains, lakes etc. Due to global warming, all this water is wasted into the sea and few is stored. In this way, the demand of drinking water increases. So we should promote saving pure fresh water so that we could live in future.
Shortage of different water

 Impact on Agriculture
As the water in the whole world decreases, it will directly impact on the agriculture department of the world. Also its second main reason is due to the increased temperature the crops can’t grow well or up to its full potential.
Bad Agricultural condition

 Impact on Human Health
With less water, increased temperature, agony and stress, human health is affected.
You can live without food for 3 weeks but can’t survive without water for 3 days

So with weak agriculture and less water due to global warming, human health is affected.

 Ice reservoirs to melt 
     As mentioned earlier, due to intense heat trapped inside the Earth’s atmosphere, the temperature of the Earth began to rise. Resultantly, the ice caps on the poles and on the mountain peaks began to melt down. In this way the ice reservoirs of the world decreases. And also bulk of water is wasted into sea.
Melting of Ice

 Amount of oxygen in oceans to decline 
Also called as deoxygenation. Studies and measurements have shown that the amount of oxygen in oceans have reduced to about 2% in the last 50 years. Our studies have shown that the factor of deoxygenation have not been taken seriously by climate.
Across the world there are various portion of sea with less or no oxygen these include oceans off California, Peru and some subsurface waters of Arabian sea.

    Psychological impact on human

Well truly, Global warming have a lot of psychologically harmful impacts on human beings. As the temperature of the world will rise the patience, compassion and good willingness will decrease.
According to studies the agony, impatience, hatred and such similar quality have increased in the society of human beings due to disturbed climate and other Earthly supportive factors. In short, Global Warming has also affected human psychologically.  

Impact on social behavior
Yeah, it does have affected a lot our social behavior. The feelings of compassion, helpfulness are removing from the human to a great extent.
According to studies the agony, impatience, hatred and such similar quality have increased in the society of human beings due to disturbed climate and other Earthly supportive factors. In short, Global Warming has also effected human socially.

Disturbance in Earth's Ecosystem 
The ecosystem of the world have been affected due to the temperature increase in the world because of the Greenhouse effect. The species of the world are forced by the climatic conditions to leave their habitat and to change their settlements.
In the IPCC fourth Assessment Report, it was concluded that human activities have affected many physical and biological systems of the world. Also have concluded that the high temperature already has affected the species, The ecosystem of the Earth and the human itself.

Benefits of Global Warming

        Yeah you heard it right…
        As everything has pros and cons
             Benefits of global warming are as follow:


                As the global warming is harmful for plain harvested crops, but it is shown that it is good for harvesting at higher altitudes. Like as the ice in Greenland, Arctic  and  Antarctica will melt the crops can be grown there. In this way the agricultural production will increase.


               It is observed in some countries where there is extremely cold, that the winter deaths are decreasing due to the global warming which is a positive health factor of the global warming.


          Environment can be positively affected by the global warming in the sense that the crops will start to grow on higher altitudes and no of forests and their size will increase.

            Ice melt

          As we know that there is a big obstacle in the path of ship travelling through the ice belts of Arctic and Antarctic if they melt then a fast and good seawater root will be provided to mankind for shipping, trade and many other purposes.

We should be optimist...
        Any positive effect of global warming in your mind...
        tell us in comment


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